Thursday, July 9, 2009

Radar Radar

For those of you whom i see on facebook, you may have seen my post about our cat being lost. He got out sometime Tuesday, I didn't know he had, and that night when we went to bed he was no where to be found. I kept checking all day Wednesday to see if he would come back around, and the later it got the more I worried he had been run over by a tractor or gotten stuck in one of the building they are constructing down the street. Well last night as I went to bed I resigned mylsef that we might not see his again, I had a good cry, and listened for him mewing outside till i finally fell asleep.

Sometime around midnight there was a knock on our door (which I did not hear, much to Daves dissapointment), he got up and there was out neighbor with Radar! He had been driving home from work and had seen Radar in the road down the street towards the High School, he pulled over and got to him right before the cat jumped down a storm drain! He was the only person I had told about the cat being lost and probably the only neigbor who would have recognized him!

We are so happy to have Radar back safe and sound, even though he is a little miffed that he's grounded from going outside without adult supervision!


Auntie Em said...

I had no idea Radar was even lost! I"m sorry, I thought you wanted pictures for your scrapbook! I'm glad he was found.

Michelle said...

I love little miracles!

symony said...

Ha ha poor little cat, nice thing about cats is they usually find their way home one way or another! Excited to see you!

Karyn said...

Yay for kitty prayers!