Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Movie Mouth

So I'm sure most of you have heard of the term "Potty Mouth", well Shayde has recently contracted "Movie Mouth" when he gets mad or frustrated, or just doesn't know what to say he quotes movies.

Like one day in the car I was singing or something, and he looks at me, shakes his head and says, "Your one sad, strange little man Mom." (Toy Story)

Or when he is in trouble and doesn't like the consequences he glares at me and snarls, "Street Rat!" (Alladin)

Or yesterday when we were at Grandpas and he did something naughty and Grandpa called him on it, he used his most sinister voice, "You leave me no choice." (Bolt) The best part is that he didn't realize he had to follow that threat up with an action, so it was really funny.

Ah yes, it is a sad testament to the fact that we watch too many movies. But I must say I would rather get threatened with funny movie quotes than some other things he could be saying!


symony said...

Congrats on getting your new house and cat!! Love the movie quotes!!!!!!

Jeana said...

That is so cute! Kids say the funniest things some time. Check out my blog to read about a conversation I had with my 4 year old the other day. Too funny!

Jeana said...

Oh, if you don't know my blog it is

Karyn said...

HILARIOUS!! Oh that Shayde!